Found BLF when doing some web searching about "ATtiny processors". There is a really useful thread on here. And even though i'm an old fart, i want to learn a little C programming, and play around with the ATtiny's. Though not a "flash-a-holic" (yet), i do like them and have a few. My latest one i picked up at Princess Auto. It is a 1x 18650 with battery and charger, 3 modes, and rated at 8 watts (sure !)...but it looked nice, and even though it was a little big it still fit in my pocket. It looks like the Palight C8 reviewed elsewhere on BLF, but has a different LED.
I tried posting a review of it with pictures, the post seems now where to be found ??
Can someone explain what i did wrong, or give me a quick "how to" on including many are allowed per post...what size...etc. i just pasted them (jpg) into my topic text) and then pressed the save button at the bottom on the topic. was this correct?
Also i am using Firefox....perhaps the BLF website does not play nice with firefox.....i notice that the blue boxes at the top (font sizes etc) are not clickable in firefox..... i really dont want to use IE unless i have to.
Welcome! While I'm not an expert I've found the easiest way to post photos here is to have them hosted on a photo-sharing website and the you copy and paste the link to the photo into the box that pops up when you click the symbol just to the right of the boat anchor that shows above the text box when you are posting. If you reply to any post look at the top row of symbols. You will see a boat anchor near the middle. The next one to the right allows you to post the link. But you have to click that symbol at the proper place when typing. So type your intro and when it is time for the first pic click that box. Then type more, click the box, etc. Hope that helps.
Hi there starman, and welcome! We're glad to have you here.
BLF is compatible with all modern browsers. I don't use IE at all myself. As far as uploading pictures, we don't have any uploads. We simply link to our images that we host on an external site. I prefer personally. I hope this helps!
Hey, wait, we still have an Atlantic Canada? Really? I thought when we split off Nunavut, we merged all those little provinces into Newfoundland as "West Labrador". :P
Seriously though, good to have another Canadian on the board!
Welcome to BLF starman. I have spent a lot of time in the Maritimes my ex wifes family is from Moncton.
We used to motorcycle tour from Nova Scotia to Newfoundland for 10 years every summer.
I use photbucket to post photos as well sign up for an account it's easy. Post your jpgs to photobucket than direct link them to BLF with the tree image next to the anchor on the top row of the tool bar. Put the link in the Image URL section than click appearance and use 100% for dimension on the right section only 100% works good for photo size.
The programming has been giving me fits good luck.