Hello from Finland

I’ve been reading the forum for the better part of a year, but only signed up two weeks ago to participate in the BLF A6 GB.
I’ve liked flashlights since the age of five or something. A year ago I started doing electronics as a hobby, and at the same time, turned flashaholic (18650 cells being the common factor).
My first bright flashlight was an Ultrafire zoomie with no model number, followed by an Ultrafire WF-502B (XM-L T6 in an unknown greenish tint that recently failed, putting it into permanent moon mode, so I replaced it with a 10W halogen bulb to have something “warm white”). I then decided to get something with more throw, and ended up ordering the Convoy C8 (XM-L2 U2 1A). My most recent purchase was of course the A6 (XP-L V5(?) 1A), which I received a few days ago and instantly became my favourite.
What do I use these lights for? Well, mainly as bicycle lights, as this country is dark for half a year at a time, and I go to school by bicycle all year round (a 10 km daily round trip through snow, ice, slush, whatever). Other uses include the usual; evening walks, taking out the trash, and pointing the C8 into the distance and smiling like a crazy person at how much throw it has.
Apart from flashlights, I am a huge science nerd, which is also the direction I’m heading in with my studies.

Welcome!! Any questions just shoot!

As a fellow finn… Tervetuloa vain :slight_smile:

Welcome to BLF! The output on the A6 is crazy. I can’t wait to see that driver with bigger reflectors :bigsmile:

It's good to have you here, Sami!

Welcome to the forum homo sapien nerdus.

Welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Welcome to BLF!

For the 502B, why not mod the P60 dropin yourself, then you can pick your own tint? That’s a good way to get into modding also, i.e., if you still have the original P60 dropin (the one that failed), just replace the emitter+star with an emitter with your favorite tint.

I’ve long believed that rechargeable AA’s are a gateway drug to the hard stuff, 18650’s.

Welcome Sami!

Hey Sami, welcome to the forum!


Have fun :smiley:


Welcome to BLF Sami, an unusual place where science nerds meet hunting fellows and everyone in between. :-)

Thanks guys!

I’m thinking of doing just that. Already took the dropin apart and I have a few emitters in my FT shopping cart, waiting to become part of a larger order. Seems like a really simple task considering I already build electronics.
I also did the A6 spring bypass mod. With a 25R cell and both springs bypassed, the difference is easily noticeable. This thing is silly bright!

They definitely are. 21 18650 cells and counting… (everything from Samsung INR18650-25R and Panasonic NCR18650B to mystery Chinese “SZN” cells and decade-old Sony laptop pulls)