Just want to say hi and thanks for all the help that this forum has already given me. I never would have seen this coming but last spring I got caught out in the mountains and had to hike over 3 miles back in absolulte darkness with my night sights as my only light which isnt any. When I got home I told myself I was going to buy the best flashlight I could get. Well I had no idea about building them and now I have a little side hobby. My main two are of coarse Convoys, a M1 and C8. The M1 (let there be light) being a XP-L V6 and the C8 (reach out and touch someone) being a XP-L HI. Both guppy driven 14X7135 Qlites. Very bright pair. Tons of little aaa, 10440, aa, etc. Thanks again and what a great forum…
Hi and welcome Canyon Carver. Sounds like you are well on your way to a new addiction.
Hey how are you MT (I mean CanyonCarver)? Man, that must have been scary to walk 3 whole miles in total darkness. If I take a walk in the woods I usually take three lights with me; absolute darkness is really scary… But hey… we can buy flashlights!
Welcome to the forum. You have some good choices to start with.
hey? what gives?
someone posted “hello” and raccoon-city didnt post a POSTER of milla jovovich… maybe we oughts do a health and welfare check, just sayin… lol
Welcome to BLF CanyonCarver! Agreed, this is a great forum.
When you’re out in the sticks, the best light to have is the one you’ve got.
Probably why despite all the lights I’ve got, I carry a few in my bag, and 1-2 on me at all times. So even if the place bursts into flames and I gotta run, I still got at least a ’502 on me, even if I have to leave my bag behind. And all the lights at home do me zero good if they’re still at home when I’m out.
I’d rather have a keychain light on me than nothing. In the dark, with all my other lights elsewhere, that’s the best light I can get.
(And I ain’t about to carry around an L6 or anything!)
Oh yeh, welcome! Break it to your kids now that college ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. Flashlights are better bang for the buk.
It’s Raccoon’s day off. He’ll be back tomorrow.
It's nice of you to join us, CanyonCarver!
Welcome to BLF!
if only ms jovovich did beamshots… sigh