Hello from New Zealand!

Hey all!

Been building a hunting light for pest work, and I’ve gleaned LOTS of useful information from you!
So, I thought I’d join, just to say thanks :bigsmile:

Welcome, Gerbs. Good too have ya. Join in on the fun!


Welcome Gerbs ,I’m crystal .Also a new comer :bigsmile:

We're very glad to have you here, Gerbs!

Welcome to the house of fun.


Welcome and don’t be a stranger.

We love photos and lots of them.

G’day from across the ditch Gerbs. Hi @ crystal too.

Welcome Gerbs! Glad to have you here!


Hi and welcome to Best Little Forum on the internet! Is Gerbs a nick?


Welcome to BLF! You'll love being here! :)

Welcome to the BLF Gerbs.

Welcome to the forum Gerbs.

Welcome to BLF, Gerbs.

Welcome Gerbs