hello from southern Maine

Hi everyone, I am Ray (raynman in this forum) and I live in southern Maine (where it is dark a LOT in the winter!)

I just signed up for BLF forums - I kinda jumped into this light thing with both feet recently (can’t say I’ve ever NOT gone totally in on ANYTHING!)

it all started with my son acquiring a Lumentop Tool AAA, and when he showed it to me, my thought was, WOW! that thing is WAY brighter than my huge MagLite that eats batteries and takes up a huge amount of space in my drawer - and FORGET about EDC carrying it!

So, in short order I was reading everything I could find on LED lights (including here on BLF)

I ordered my first light, a used Sunwayman M11R, off eBay (which has not arrived yet - slow boat from China apparently) and a AA adapter tube (which HAS arrived, how frustrating!) My son gave me a gift certificate to Mountain Electronics for father’s day, so I have ordered a Convoy S2 host, Cree noctigon, and moonlight driver, and will build that light when it gets here - always loved soldering and putting stuff together. AND, when my wife asked me what I’d like for my birthday (!) I told her I’d love to have an Astrolux S41 with Nichia emitters, and even though she cannot believe a “flashlight” could cost nearly $50, I think I might get that one for my birthday.

I am really excited about building more lights, even though I have not even handled one yet, other than my son’s Lumentop. Looking forward to building a triple with parts from MtE, and I messaged Hoop to see if I could still get one of his beautiful S2+ triple heatsinks for that…

….Dreaming of the day I might have the space and time to try doing some machine work (a dream for some time, only recently directed at flashlights)

looking forward to lots of great information here - thanks to all, and Hello!


Hello raynman. Welcome to BLF

Welcome to BLF
Wow what a promising first post!

Welcome to the forum and you’re just in time for the DIY contest which starts Monday. Two categories, hand made and machine made. Lots of fun, the high point of the year.

hello too its cool to share your information.

Run away raynman. I started in similar circumstances as yourself and it just snowballs to the point of no return. :wink:

Thanks for signing up, raynman!

dead man walking ….

i’m pretty sure there is no south in maine .
buy an efest 10440 for the lumintop tool and stick it in when your son isn’t looking .:slight_smile: