Hi everyone! I found your forum while googling for some xmas presents, as I wanted a thrower. I’ts awesome to see all the info that you share about your flashlights!
Thanks for joining the gang, rafaurl!
What type of thrower are you looking for?
the smallest/lighter one as I’m gonna use with my 7yo son and he’ll want to carry himself. convoy C8 /C8+ /M21A looks like nice candidates as they are low budget, but I’m yet reading the forum for new options
Personally, I like compact throwers.
My favorite right now is the BLF-D80v2.
However, it may not throw as far as a C8, so I don't know if it would be a good fit for you.
Good luck in your search.
thanks, I didn’t know this one. It looks awesome, but it’s more expensive than C8. I’ll check if there are any offers, thanks for your help!