Hello From the DEEEEEP South

I really do not have the heavy accent, but I love to play with my Southern Origins. Vicksburg, MS. Nice to be here.

I became extremely interested in optics when I became a semi-pro shooter, and we began having night shoots using incand and LED lights. In addition, I have a nice PVS 14 system that I use in the dark shoots. As I shot more at night, I realize the difference in different light models, how they threw, a need for a more precise IR filter with a nice hot spot (haven’t found that yet as the light has a diffuser head and does just that) and more candela and how that related to lumens. I also carry a light everywhere I go and my family thinks I am a bit nuts. It has been a SF E2D with a KL 4 heat, but I am looking for something different now.

Thanks for letting me ramble. Hope to hear from some of you as I learn a bit more about lighting!


Everyone thinks we're nuts until the power fails or they drop something valuable under a counter.


Welcome Harvest123!!! :slight_smile:

Don’t tell anybody, my Address is 122 Harvest ,!!! :smiley:

I am fascinated by all the new products that are available. Makes you crave another to test again and again. I think I may be OCD!

Welcome to the forum Harvest. Hope you enjoy your time here.

I don't recognize the equipment you are mention in your OP. So please excuse me for asking a probably dumb question. Are you talking about shooting as in photography, as in guns, or as in something else I'm obviously clueless about?

Welcome to BLF, hope you enjoy your stay here! :slight_smile:

welcome to blf harvest 321

Welcome to BLF! I spent two years in GA and miss the south dearly.


Welcome to BLF, William! :party:

Howdy from TX…all our families think we’re a little touched!

Hey William

I lived across the river from you in Madison Parish when I was kid. Been to Vicksburg many times.

I especially remember when they were raising the gunboat Cairo from the river back in the 60s. We took a picnic lunch one Saturday and sat on the bluff above the river watching the process. I was amazed to see it at the park many years later.

Home now is the Shreveport area.

Welcome to BLF

You found your way here!

Thanks for joining Flashaholics Anonymous, Harvest123!

Sorry for not clearing the message. I have been cruzing the site. I shoot in 3 gun competitions so I am interested in weapons lights and tactical illumination, and also with easy carry lights for distraction purposes. I want to talk to someone that might be interested in some mods to a current SF Scout to increase throw, candela, lumens and programming for easier use. I am also into NV for night shooting. Really a cool new sport.

i am new here also and so far its been a great place…hope you have a great experience…