Hello. I am back. Sort of

Just wanted to say hi - I kind of have been in “lurker mode” these past few months.

Took a bit of a break from all my hobbies recently - changed jobs and have been having a quite bit of anxiety/depression issues over the past 8-9 months. Nothing bad has actually happened to me… I have just been having poor mental health for a while now. I was approached by thorfire recently to review a light - I am hoping that can get me back into some of the flash-a-holism I used to love so much haha.

I’m really not great at talking about this stuff - perhaps its a bit too personal for most - but I will be around and looking to contribute actively once again :slight_smile:

Keep your chin up, and pop in here as often as you can. Best wishes to you. It will get better!

Welcome back! Sorry about the mental health issues. That stuff runs in my family. I try not to succumb, but sometimes I get a little depressed. Some others in my family have it worse.

We are all variously bent, sometimes life just happens to fit the curve.

Welcome back buddy. If it wasn’t for this hobby I dont know where I’d be today mentally. If you haven’t had help I’d recommend it before it gets you down totally. :slight_smile:

Ive tried a number of times… pills aren’t for me and therapy is hit and miss

It could be that your anxiety/depression is the natural way you perceive and respond to the world. That’s how I deal with my anxiety/depression/other weirdness. I don’t fight those feelings anymore. In fact, I embrace those feelings, study them, see what those feelings are trying to tell me. Whether I like these feelings or not, it’s who I am.

Welcome back and see you around :slight_smile:

Anxiety? Depression you say? I have been having that for years and the fora helps me out of it!

Keep in touch here and you will feel a lot better…

Hey there jmpaul320, great to see you back here! Hope to see you around here as much as you’re able to make it, and I sincerely hope we can all help you through this rough spot.

Hey jmpaul320,

Just wanted to say I can relate. I came back from Afghanistan in Nov 15 and I quit hanging around here due to my own mental struggles. Feels good to be back, and glad to have you around.

Took me a LOOONG time to figure out where your old avatar was from (Lonely Island, Threw it to the Ground).

Welcome back, keep up the good fight.

Welcome back!

Hi jmpaul320, welcome (back). Glad to be hearing from you again. I remember your name from the other forum, which was my first place-of-lurk. Where you showed me(us) that measurement brings knowledge (in Dutch: meten is weten). Our brains can play mean tricks on us. But our bodies can save us, if we are willing to listen. Let it help you in regaining your rythm, like sleeping when it is dark outside, and doing things when it is light outside. Break the circle, or at least some glasses. Fall in love (again). Walk the dog. Rent a few dumb movies. Grow a beard. But don’t get obsessed.
Remember what Nietzsche said: … if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.

Henk4u2, I needed to hear that last quote in your posting. How very true! Excellent.

Even though I’m new here and have no idea who you are, I hope you get better man :slight_smile:

Glad your back! I for one miss your honest to the point witty reviews and comments! You made me laugh and I thank you for it! :+1: What was that again, Micro Blue something…… :smiley:

I've always been a fan of yours. Hang in there bro and keep slogging along like you have been doing. Sometimes the best we can do is to keep putting one foot in front of the other until times get better. They will.

Welcome back jmpaul320. I hope you find joy in the hobby again. I’m no guru, but I find that exercising, eating well, staying hydrated, and getting enough sleep contribute a lot to feeling good, and when I feel good it’s easy to be positive. Beyond that, I find I always feel better after a haircut and a shave… and to wear a shirt I like. The basic fundaments to self assurance. When I feel good and I think I look good? Give me a high five, and one down low, before I do this dance long enough for security to start talking into their handsets.

Hahaa good one ! :+1: