Hello! I'm Larry Bloodworth


My name is Larry Bloodworth and I live and work in Draper, Utah, which is a suburb of Salt Lake City. Born and raised in Houston, but I moved up here in '88 and fell in love with the place and been here ever since. I own and operated a transmission shop and have been rebuilding transmissions since 1973 although I quit rebuilding about 6 years ago.

I joined this forum because I have an immediate need for some serious LED outdoor floodlights.

For starters, I need two (2) 1000 watt stadium type lights. Depending on the price, I might go 1500 or even 2000 watt, but 1K watt is the minimum. They will used for parking lot lights and to illuminate the front of our building. If anybody knows anybody who might have a deal on these, please let me know.

Next is our billboard. I'm still trying to get the sign permit, so the need isn't 100% yet, but we're building a standard "bulletin" size billboard 12" X 48", double-sided and I'm going to need lights for that as well. Wattage at this point is unknown.

If anybody has any leads, they can either reply to this post or E-mail me at larrybloodworth@gmail.com


You have come to the right place, Larry Bloodworth!

Welcome Larry,
Talk to Texaspyro. He’s the resident expert on humongous outdoor lighting.

Im not sure a pair of 26650s will be enough for that. You might need 3.

The village idiot welcomes you too.

Welcome, Larry!

Welcome to the forum Larry.

I don't have any info on what your looking for, but it sounds like it will be quite impressive. Hopefully someone here may have so info for you. You may want to do a search for light bars (like for trucks) to see what you find there. Probably won't fit the bill, but may get you in the right direction.

Hi Larry, welcome to this very special place where wallets scream uncle on a regular basis :)

Welcome! I'm originally from South Jordan. I've driven past your transmission shop many times! Sounds like you've got a big project in mind, I wish I could be more helpful.