I owned a Fenix E10 and a Maglite XL200 for many years. This was all that I needed for a long time.
And then i saw the DQG fairy….and i thought, what a neat little light. This would be great on my keychain. So I bought it, waited FOREVER for it to arrive, and then Forever again for the little batteries to arrive. But it was worth it.
I was sitting at the top of the lumen hill. 100 lumens on my keychain, 100+ with my Maglite. 55 with my Fenix, which was enough around the house. Ignorance was bliss until my brother shows me his new 300 lumen SureFire Sidekick. 300 lumens….out of that keychain thing…… Suddenly….i felt like I was back in the dark ages of maglite solitaires. I felt so inadequate.
I immediately went to Amazon and bought a cheap 1000 lumen UltraFire A100 flashlight.
It is the brightest flashlight I own by a mile!!! It probably the brightest flashlight anyone i know owns.
I became hooked and began looking at all the expensive brands….but I just couldn’t come to justify spending so much on a flashlight.
And then i found you guys!!! I am so grateful……i have ordered and am eagerly awaiting the arrival of my new Convoy L6, Astrolux SC and Astrolux S41S. I am so excited!!!
Honestly, I think my head my explode when i turn on the L6. I don’t think i can even imagine what that will be like.
I am astonished at some of the products that are out there now and knowing that this forum is contributing to that, makes me happy to have signed up.
I wonder if the flashlight bug will hit as hard as my knife bug did. Time will tell.
As of today, my favorite light that I own, is a small little lumintop worm AAA light. So bright, so small…with a pocket clip that matches my spyderco’s deep clip.
I bought a blue one for me, and purple one for the Mrs.
I think I paid $12 each. How can so little mony, yield such happiness???
Anyway….I’m Mike, and I think I may be becoming……a flashoholic.