I’m looking for a driver for my Jaxman E1.
Any ideas where to get one for a reasonable price?
Did you found any for any price? Here is solution for you ;))
Thanks Quad, not sure how much they ask for a bare driver. At least, there is a clue in case cheap and awesome solutions fail
Remove leds and recycle that E1 abomination for good.;))
Naaah, don’t like wasting good host. It served me well as a bicycle rear light. 3x660nm leds are still inside but I’m tired of switching it with the tail cap (to stop the circuit).
Good host? I see nothing good about it. OK, if you cant find driver , so maybe you can find some small mechanical switch… and fix it with duck type! Make ugly thing more uglier
I don’t mind it’s ugliness. It’s a solid piece of aluminium, well machined and now looking like real field veteran.
So go ahead fix some mechanical switch and use convoy driver (additional driver modding required)
Simple common 17mm amc driver can be reflashed to work as an e switch, some sites even sell those already programmed, i used such driver in my h02, when original failed, later i replaced it with Quadrupel's driver. but amc version worked fine, the only issue was very faint high pitched noise in some modes. not heard outdoors, but in quiet environment indoors it was annoying, however not all amc driver do that.
Thanks, seems I’m gonna get one from H04
H04? I recommended to buy whole new H04 headlamp. H04 have 21mm diameter
that was no help…
Anybody knows where to get 17mm driver with e-switch?
17mm e-switch for red led ……
No, for regular 3V white leds. I’m going to put triple LH351Ds or N219b in there and keep it as a backup light.
I used standard Fet+1 driver for my E1. See here
Thanks. I’m still holding with MTN. This is really expensive. And ridiculously expensive if bought just one driver.
I think I still have one spare. PM if interested
And what about an original driver? is it broken? Maybe just repair it?
And depending on e-switch size there might be a possibility to use switch with controller inside, and as power part - Convoy 6A linear driver (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32989372464.html?spm=a2g0o.store_pc_groupList.8148356.16.5c507599Q9GJXl&pdp_npi=2%40dis!CAD!C%24%207.32!C%24%207.32!!!!!%400b0a0ae216666308275902033ed5a9!66861562701!sh).
Anyway, you can go all the way to making your own driver.
It would be good to see driver and e-switch PCBs.
By the way, Convoy driver uses the tiny13a controller, which has many different variations of FW for it.
Maybe just flash it with proper FW and solder some additional wires (if 6-7A is enough for you).
I play more with PIC controllers, so I can not quickly say for sure about Atmel (but all are basically the same - as long as you have a free leg on a controller you can add e-switch function to it).