with all of the nice looking offerings for a new edc for me, I am having trouble deciding on which one. (surprise surprise)
Here is what I am sure of:
Cheap enough that if I lost it I could easily get another without breaking the bank ~$25-30ish
Takes 18650
Xml-T6 3C neutral or Xml warm white 3 modes (I will mostly use the light on low mode… 20% of the time I will use medium… high for 30 second bursts or wow factor only)
The smaller the better - I am planning on putting this in my pocket everday & all day. If it had a clip that I could use to attach it to the outside of my pants pocket to keep it from rolling around in my pocket that would work… or even a lanyard might work. I do not want it turning on by accident and catching my pants on fire.
If I had the option to NOT have blinky modes that would be good, but not a deal breaker by any means.
also - I will have funds to buy this light in a few weeks - so if there are current “amazing deals” that might expire this week that wont work …. unless i want to sleep in the dog house.
I know there are a TON of other offerings… a lot of them seem to be cool white only though. I did do a forum search and found a few others like the xeno 18650 xml - but it was a little on the expensive side ($45)
Find the fasttech threads they have tint and drive current options out of the wazo… The brand is convoy but it appears to be the same host as the edc. That edc host is buy the way, freaking awesome, I have two, one in use and one waiting to be built.
be sure to let me know what you think… i will have funds in a few weeks so it gives some time to wait for reviews… i have a skyray g5 modded with a T5 and set to 3.0a on high that im using now still
jmpaul320 - I got the EDC 18650 U2 from I-O and the XIAOZHI T6 1A, both at 2.8A, and I definitely prefer the XIAOZHI, highly recommend it. The quality of the host, inside components, the rougher feel on the patterned grooves, all superior. Also, even with the T6 1A vs a U2, the XIAOZHI beats the EDC in lumens (710 est to 574 est), and I like the beam pattern. I think the EDC 18650 is reading low in the lightbox is because it has a white plastic ring at the base of the reflector which may be blocking or interfering with emitter output, not sure. The FastTech Convoy S3 looks like the identical light - wonder if it has the same plastic ring.
Another EDC I have is a HD 2011, mod'ed to 2.8A w/U3 1C -- brighter than the XIAOZHI and has the widest spill, coarse OP reflector that spreads the light out. The host can't compare to the other 2 in quality, but like the wide beam pattern and it emphasizes the slightly warmer tint.
I would recommend the XIAOZHI, currently for $18 with the T6 3C from FancyFlashlights. It also comes stock with the new Nanjg 2.8A driver with the 3 mode/5mode 5 sec blink low mode switch. It's a great deal at that price.
+1 for the fancyflashlight. Ordered one as recommended from a member here. Quality built light. Nice three modes l,m, and h. Very common amc7135 driver if it ever needs replaced (even though I have never heard of a single failure). Nice deep reflector for a small light. Good beam with nice spill to a med size hotspot.
The only thing I could complain about is it’s diameter of the body is some what tight for the larger diameter 18650’s. My Callie’s Kustoms 18650’s fit tight enough that you actuall have to lightly force them in and out. They will fit but will probably wear on the shrink wrap and the thin metal lead that runs to the PCB from end to end. May cause problems if used a lot. I may bore mine a little to fix this problem.
Tom E, may I ask, how dependable are the Fancyflashlight people? You’ve kind of whet my appetite for yet another edc light J)
Did you have a good experience with them?
My XIAOZHI was delivered quickly, no problem. You will have to lube the threads and o rings, and maybe fix the solder joints as well. But at these prices, who’s complaining?! The 3C I got has a very nice tint.
I've had a few orders with him, very good service. he gave me VIP status though I didn't meet the threshold. Oh and yes, it does need some care - I just put extra lube on all threaded parts and it helped quiet down the ringing sound you get with Nanjg drivers on low and specially medium modes.
My order for 2 XIAOZHI from fancyflashlights was placed on 12-24-12 they shipped 12-27-12 the 25th was xmas. Processed through Singapore the 28th and received the package on 1-4-13. 11 days to the door including xmas.
Also my threads on both lights where already lubed. Had a very smooth mechanical feel to them.