Help me to pick the right one...

Hello :slight_smile:

Since few days I spend many hours reading the forum and searching the good light for me.
I started with Skyray king, then have found the SkyRay 9x 6T and almost pushed the trigger but after 2 nights I came to conclusion that it’s too much (too big,too hot, too everything) and I need something more handy.

Now I’m stuck between Roche M170 and BS Terminator.

I need a light for evening/night walks in forest and fields, so more flood that throw needed and preferably >2k lumens.

Which one to choose? Or maybe other sugestion?

Any help will be appreciated!

Don’t know if any of both will be much of an improvement.
I have a DRY which is about same size and brightness of skyray and I’m just waiting until a light with the same form factor comes out but with x times the brightness…

how about Thrunite TN30? or heck… get Fenix TK75… it’s a nice light and the price is going down now

Have you set your parameters yet - do you want to hold this big light the whole walk? Sling or handle or holster?

Is it going to be on high setting or medium for 5, 15, 30, 45 minutes each time you go out? Is the heat an issue? Have you picked a light that has enough battery capacity for your needs? 2-4 cell?

Whats your budget? Are you thinking single or multi-emitter (re: your lumen needs)?

And - Nothing wrong with a little dark night sky now and then…

Thanks for replies.

@scheven_architect , I don’t have SRK, I mean by ” I’ve started with SRK…“: I’ve started my research…

@southcovekayak , holding issue is not a problem at all, I’m not that fastidious. I’ll would use it the most on mid/high (max 20-30min on high…)
Heat is not a problem as long as I’ll be able to hold it w/o burning my hand (if w/o handle).
Cells: 3-4 & multi LED is a MUST :slight_smile:

Budget around 100$ or a bit more if it’s worth… Fenix Tk75 is far beyond my limit though…