There’s this ugly ring around the beam of my Convoy S2. Why is it that way and how can I remove it? It doesn’t show up in another Convoy S2 that I have. I took pictures and tried to make it stand out. Its the obvious faint ring around the beam. It is extremely visible in person.
Here are the pictures.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
My convoy s2+ has the same ring. I was thinking it was either from the light hiring the edge of the flashlight or the centering ring on the spot g2.
I don’t think its the centering ring. I already tried removing it but it still has the problem. Its strange becausey my other Convoy S2 does not have that artifact… Strange.
Does anyone have a fix?
Light artefacts outside the main hotspot/corona are usually caused by light bouncing off the inside of an uncoated lens and being reprojected by the reflector, usually producing rings around the corona. Or they are formed by light hitting the bezel around the reflector and bouncing off in all directions.
No idea why one light would have it and another doesn’t, unless one light has an AR coated lens and the other doesn’t? Check for a fainter or coloured reflection (blue, purple, reddish, green etc) on one of the lenses maybe?
Check if its focused properly? And try put one of ur other reflectors on and see if its the led to reflector compatibility issue and/or put the reflector on a different light and see if its the reflectors fault… But im guessing the centering ring is too high or too low (not focused) from lookin at the beam.
How do you go about focusing reflectors? Sorry, this was my first build. :’(
I dont own a s2. But logically speaking. I would put electrical tape or something to cover the + and - wires mcpcb and then remove the centering ring and just slowly move the reflector up or down on the led (on a vertically standing flashlight) until u think u see ur prefered beam profile then measure how much distance there is u need from the mcpcb to the reflector. Then get a centering ring that is that high/thick/size lol. Or diy by using ur own insulation eg. Piece of plastic if it wont get hot enough to melt.
Have you checked the lip of the reflector orifice where the led meets the reflector? Sometimes light bounces off from this part and creates weird rings
Try putting a higher wall centering ring or a piece of dark material and check if the ring goes away…
This might be the part of the reflector creating the ring (Arrow)