Help to determine if I have protected or fake protected 18650's

I had a look at the fake protected batteries thread and this battery shows some of the same markings of a fake protection. It has the same fake vent holes that was mentioned in that thread and the bottom of the battery is silver coloured but other than that, it has the line down the middle and the two rims around the top. Is it legit? Supposed to be panasonic 18650B PCB protected.

Looks 100% real to me. Not sure what the ‘line down the centre’ you are referring to? If it’s the second pic, that is part of the protection circuit.
I have some genuine Panasonic ‘A’ version of this - the unprotected version - and it’s identical apart from the protection circuit. And mine are a bit darker green.
But yeah they look genuine.

Edit - I misread your post. I realise you knew the strip was protection :person_facepalming:

well, from the looks of it, seems legit to me

I feel better already, thanks to both of you. I just got a little concerned as the fake protection thread shows the holes on top just like mine, so I wasn't sure after that.

Definitely the real deal. I have a big box of this specific Panasonic battery and some of them do look similar to what you described.

So do fakes :smiley:
Sorry had to! :laughing:

Well, that's that then, I'm convinced I have the real deal, thank you!

You just never know, but I did purchase them from IMR and I have heard many say IMR is quite reputable.

Fair point. I hope I don’t have fakes as I did buy them from a great local seller that I do trust and have bought from many times in the past. But, you are right as you never know. Will test them when I have the time lol.

Who / where is that?
I’m finding it bloody hard to a find good seller in NZ.
I got all my Panasonic and Sanyo cells off ‘karlnapf’ on trademe, but I don’t see him there anymore. Very good real cells.

I I got a set just like them. Got mine from

These are knock offs. At least the seller is honest.

586mah - I mean wow that’ll power a hotrod light for 4seconds.

Notice the -ve end. A dead giveaway on the Panasonic knock offs.

My bad. I’m not from NZ originally so I travel back to Msia to see family once every few months. Got them from a seller in Msia.

I agree with you mate. Horrible selection of torches in NZ and it is really hard to find genuine 18650 here. Prices are too high even if you manage to find some good ones.