HELP! Which Skyray King from DX?

I want to get a King during the DX 50% off sale, but not sure which one to get. Can I get some input from King owners as to which they feel has the best build quality and output? I would prefer the black if possible, but not sure if this is the "best". The FandyFire UV-S5 version SKU 120679 is rated at 5000mA, so it should have the highest output, correct?

Here are the options:

SR King M6 Gold SKU 166994 $52.60

Circuitry: 3200mA
Brightness: 2500lm (manufacturer rated)

FandyFire UV-S5 SKU 120679 $55.50

Circuitry: Digital Regulated 5000mA Current Output
Brightness: 3000LM

SR King M6 Black SKU 174986 $62.90

Circuitry: 3200mA
Brightness: 1220lm

i have both skyray king and fandy fire…. fandyfire is slightly brighter :slight_smile:

Since the FandyFire is brighter, how about

$42.75 with coupon code LAUNCH.

Doh, didn’t see that you’re wanting to get the 50% off deal, sorry. :slight_smile:

I was waiting for their 50% deal… but waited at the wrong time…
I thought it was 20:00 Hong Kong time… so waited for nothing :frowning:

20:00UTC will be about 5:00AM here… hmmmm a bit too early.

You still have 5 more chances, perhaps one will be at a more convenient time.

Thanks for the info. I really like the black, but it's less bright and more $$. I may just go with the cheapest :-).

Idk about the other two but i know the black one pictured is a clone, the only real black king I’ve seen is from cnqualitygoods

The real black version with the u2 is the brightest one out there

My friend has had his SRK apart and he says it definitely has U2 LEDs installed in it.
It does push out more light and throws a little better somehow. It also has a better tint to it than his older Golden one.

The SRKs seem to be the best value light around if you like the soda can style of flashlight as I do. If you don’t want to spend over $200 on a Nitecore TM11 or something similar to get roughly the same output then the SRK seems like the best choice but you do get a fair bit more “smarts” built into the TM11 than the SRK has if you really need those features.

Four SRKs for the price of one TM11 sounds good to me.

I always bought my SRKs from CNQ and had zero problems.

I am not sure if he still sells them nowadays.

Good luck on your search as there are many manufacturers of these cloned products.

Some have bad wiring, loose buttons or just really low in output.

I have the Supfire M6 from Mountain Electronics and it is a bit heavier construction with a new driver and the options you can have such as LED choices are great.

Try Richard at his online store.

Below is the link to the Supfire M6 that puts out 4000 lumens!

Happy searching!!

at this price range perhaps you should consider Suprife M6

ive just done a ebay srk

you are prob better off with one from mountain