Help with a recommendation

I have a friend whose husband is a detective and she wants me to recommend a Convoy flashlight for her husband.

I prefer if it was an 18650 or 21700 battery flashlight. I was thinking a L21B but I would like to hear what anyone else thinks.

She wanted me to build her one after I told her about my mod but I quickly convinced her that she is better off buying one already built. If I had more experience, then I might have.

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There are 10k options available for your friend whose husband is a detective. Can you give more details what kind of light this person is looking for and what kind of mod did you do, why did you do the mod, what makes you think that mod would work for a detective? Why does it have to be Convoy? Do they not like Fenix or Nitecore?

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I would choose a 21700 flashlight over an 18650 flashlight.
The reason being that there are many 21700 cells that are about 5000 mAh and many 18650 cells that are about 3500 mAh, and the 21700 isn’t that much bigger in volume.
I agree with zoulas though…
There are many Convoy to choose from, so we need more information.
Is there an emitter preference?
That would at least narrow things down a little. :slightly_smiling_face:

I will tell you what she told me. It needs to be a very bright with a little bit of throw, at least a 100m. I agree with the 21700 battery thought and I recommended the L21B. She wanted the Convoy because she liked the way mine looked and no other reason. I suggested a couple other brands but she wanted the Convoy.

My mod was a SFT40, 8A 3V 12 group driver from Convoy in a M21A body. I did the build just to prove to myself that I could.

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I don’t know if it’ll throw far enough, but this L21B has my favorite emitter, the XHP70.3 HI.
I like that emitter because it provides a lot of lumens, a lot of flood, and some throw.
(Also, this emitter is fairly efficient.)

The L21B is a pretty large flashlight.
I’m guessing she’s okay with that. :grin:

If the XHP70.3 HI doesn’t throw far enough, I’d go with the SFT40, which is one of the most practical throwy emitters out there.
You won’t get nearly as much flood, but you’ll get a ton of throw. :+1:

That was one of the things she said she wanted, a large flashlight but I think she meant length.

Honestly, 100m isn’t particularly far. Something like the M21B with SFT40 would be more than sufficient if that was the case, and it would be small enough for carrying around without being too much of a burden. Would onboard charging be useful for this individual? Not everyone would put up with having to use a dedicated charger, so something to keep in mind there.

If not Convoy, the Sofirn SP35 is fully regulated and offers a lot of standard conveniences.

I told her that she would need a separate charger and that I would give her one that I’m not using. She is going to do some laser engraving on one of my knives and on several of my flashlights and in return I’m going to teach her how to do acrylic inlay.

How is he going to carry it? This is basic information that you have to know to pick a flashlight for yourself or anyone else. She wants it big but you " think" that means long. And who cares what she wants? Is she going to carry it for him?

So this is a flashlight that would be used for investigation?

If so, I would say the S21D 519a 8A CC driver with a wide angle (maybe 60 degree) TIR. That’s a whole lot of high CRI light which would be perfect for lighting up a crime scene.

If you are talking more of a duty style light I would say the M21B SFT40 8A buck driver. Maybe with the forward click tactical switch installed. That’s a lot more practical for duty work than the L21B. It’s pocketable, makes the same amount of Lumen, but has more spill and less throw – still good for about 700m, which is plenty for most security work.

Bonus: for a small back up or EDC size, the Convoy S6 cslnm1, it has amazing throw for being a 24mm tube light. It out throws my S21B culpm1 which is measured at 480m.

I am trying to get more information from her but she wants to surprise him with it for Christmas and she doesn’t want to ask him any questions.

I will send her this suggestion.