I have been wanting a Convoy S2+ Triple for a while, and finally decided to build it.
I ordered the MTN-17DDM driver from MtnElectronics, with Bistro, Thermal based stepdown and pre-soldered wires and spring bypass. Emitters used are XP-L HI V2 5As.
The once assembled, the light turned on, but behaved oddly, and I think I have narrowed it down to the driver.
The light will always step down to the previous brightness, all the way to moonlight, and then turns off. The step down occurs once every 5 seconds exactly, and will always step down through the 6 main modes, even if the light was set on muggle mode.
The only time it will stay on at a constant brightness is when it is in thermal calibration mode, where it will turbo until it gets too hot to hold (40s or so). This happenes even with thermal stepdown turned off.
On top of this, the light takes a very long time to ‘forget’ it’s last used mode when memory is turned off. It takes 30+ minutes for it to start on moonlight again, even if I disconnect the power. Also, I cannot do a long press to step backwards, or enter the special modes at all. I have factory reset the driver options several times, but that did not help.
I posted on reddit asking for advice, and was advised that the behavior was partially consistent with a low voltage issue, but I cannot seem to find the cause. The tailcap spring is bypassed with 22AWG silicon wire, and I have also tried using a tailcap from a known good S2+ (also running a mtn17ddm with bistro) and by using a brass shell casing to close the circuit instead of the switch.
The batteries used to test were unprotected NCR18650Bs, and also Nitecore 18350 IMRs. The light will not run at turbo for any length of time with a protected cell, but I am aware that it is caused by the protection circuit.
I reached out to Richard, and he replied with “I would double check to make sure that the OTC capacitor and any other parts weren’t damaged during installation. Also, check the R1 and R2 capacitors. I have seen them get cracked before from being too tight then being pressed into a pill… ”
He told me that all drivers get tested before being shipped out, and ones in international orders doubly so, and is confident that the driver worked prior to shipping.
However, I do not feel like I have done anything that could have damaged the driver. It was not press fit, I used a copper pill from kiriba_ru (thanks dude) with a retaining ring; I only had to carefully file down the ‘teeth’ on the board to get it to fit. Nor is the damage from overheating, as I did not need to solder anything to the driver, or the driver to anything as I requested that to be done for me by mtn. I have checked all the solder contact points on the components, and everything looks to be good, and I see no shorts caused by solder/metal shavings. I have since disassembled everything, and cleaned out all my contacts (retaining ring, gold ring on driver, flashlight ends) with light abrasives and alcohol. Upon reassembly, nothing has changed.
At this point, I am at a loss as for what to do. I took some pictures of the driver hoping someone with more experience will be able to spot anything that I missed.
Help me please, I want my light to work