Help with UF-1504, Aspheric build....

A 2 tint will be very green/yellow. The only ones you want to de-dome are 1A or colder tints IMO.

I dedomed some ~1A XM-L2’s. At low driver currents they are ugly with yellow and green coming through but with full power FET blasting through them they are NOT pretty by any means and the CRI sucks in a major way but they are least don’t induce a gag reflex. I keep a 5X skyray with them in my car at the moment simply because it is not worth swapping to XP-L HI’s and I want the extra throw for this application. Plus I plan to replace that light with a Q8 when they come out.

if i may ask how did you power the xhp 35 i was just looking into building one of these and i am quite new when it comes to learning about the drivers and leds and such any help would be much appreciated!

I used the 26350 cells in 4S to power it, it works fine but is “crude” lol.