I have the usb programmer from Hank. I’ve used it before for programming an arduino trinket as well as directly to an attiny13a.
However now when i plug in the device it is unrecognized. I’ve tried reinstalling drivers, updating etc… but no matter what i do it still comes up as “device malfunctioning”.
Is there anything I can do with this device or do I have to buy a new one? Any help appreciated
do you have a Raspberry Pi handy? these devices work without any drivers on Raspbian, from what I know. I would plug it in and see if avrdude recognizes it.
You mean that when you plug USBASP to your computer, the operating system tells you that the USBASP is malfunctioning, right?
What operating system do you use?
I dont know if it will help or not but it might be worth a shot.
If you have more than one usb port, sometimes devices get locked to that port.
I assume windows and maybe avrdude install the device to a certain com port. Then when you switch ports it recognizes the device but tries to use the wrong port.
Might be worth it to check. I think windows sets com ports automatically but there is a way to change them manually.
Its been awhile since I messed around with this so it might be my bad memory.
It may be the Windows refusing to install the driver. I had issue with the installation on a corporate issued notebook without admin rights and kept getting “Driver installation canceled by user”. The .cat file needs to be digitally signed and Zadig.exe just don’t work on my limited Access notebook. The workaround is to download libusbK- and let the wizard to do the job.
In the meantime you may wanna check is the jumper on the USBasp is set to 5V instead of 3.3V and when you plug it into the USB slot, is the red LED lighted up.
I hate to bring up Linux again, but do you happen to have a USB drive? would you be able to get a live/boot drive quickly?
I would just put Linux on a random usb drive and live boot it. It should recognize/make avrdude work immediately, have never seen a functioning usbasp not work on Linux.
Apologies if you don’t want to try this. I just want to help figure out whether the hardware is defective or not.
I did blamed on a defective USBasp too when I could get it to work on my limited access notebook. I tested the USBasp on a NVidia Shield TV and had the D4V2 flashed just like how it is done with an Android phone without an OTG adapter.
I had many usb programmers in my life due to various hobbies (fpv drones, flashlights, batteries/charging/hobby chargers, …) - and there were so many occasions where I thought that it is defective. Plugged it into a Raspberry Pi - and it worked!
You could live boot into a linux OS on a USB drive. no need to buy a Pi.
edit: It is never a mistake to own an assembly of Raspberry Pis. So if you are able/willing to work on flashlights or flash other ROMs: you will absolutely like Pis and Arduinos.