Hey, guys. Watch this one!


This has been brough up a few times here already. It supports a theory that a few of us have that when you get hold of a real ultrafire the quality is very very good (for its price point).

My personal preferred vendor for what I think is "real" ultrafires is Manafont by the way.

But it is appaling that even a budget line brand like ultrafire is cloned and copied like hell.

My worst fakes have come from Manafont so I wouldn't for a minute think they are the place to get real ultrafire lights .... Not to mention their customer service doesn't exist ...if you have a problem " that's YoUr problem "....The only 501B's I ever thought were real were from dino direct (nicer but still a cheap light )and they came side by side with fakes so go figure that one .. I don't believe in real or fakes .. just various grades of crappy manufacturers pumping out anything and everything .. some good some trash ..

Ultra fire from the factory will always be expensive because they won't compete with their vendors in the distribution chain .

The only real ultrafire I really liked was UF 980L and the mcu-c88 they were the real deal and it's quality is obvious ..<- They did come from manafont but like i said so did about 8 other fakes ..just not these models ..Trusting manafont would be a bad idea imho

Got genuine 980L from mana, also a 501a. Good quality on both, they were only UF’s I have bought there…
Lots of fakes from DD…

“Hey, guys. Watch this one!”

How come I can’t read that without mentally adding a heavy southern accent and expecting a loud crash soon?

Usually preceded by “hold my beer!”

On the fakes - I don’t know how to tell a fake from a real one. I also have a few 501B’s (I think everybody does, but some just won’t admit it!)…one has a plastic barrier in the tube, between the batteries and the drop in - the others don’t. The one with the barrier also has sharp knurling; the others have flattened knurling. I’m not sure any two are exactly the same.

Japan did the very same ‘copycat’ thing after WWII. Watching China nowadays is kind of deja vu.