hey hey

I just want to work long hours. What's moonlighting?


Hmmm . Not sure if serious , or ...

Moonlighting - by definition :

Having a second job in addition to one's regular employment , usually at night .

Or , if I have evaluated your meaning correctly , sometimes an employer , for one reason or another can or will not increase a workers hours on paper , will hire said worker ' off the clock ' for additional time .

It's a Travis Bickle quote from Taxi Driver. Robert De Niro's interview for the job scene with Peter Boyle.

Hey hey could be a reference to the Neil Young song, or Lisbeth Salander's greeting in TGWtDT.


Ah .

My , my .

I failed to perceive your references , sir .

At any rate , welcome to the BLF .

Moonlight mode (if that is what you are asking for) is a very low powered mode w/ minimal light…very long run times on the batteries

(think just bright enough to see to get around at night or read a book/map w/o blasting a HUGE amount of light that can screw up night vision or wake up the significant other)

Thanks. ...


Work long hours , doing what ? Welcome to the BLF.

Moonlighting is shining your flashlight at the waning moon in hopes of lighting it back up :smiley:

Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets.


You're only as healthy as you feel .

Travis Bickle

That's the spirit! ...



With the exception of TCM, I stopped watching the boob tube.


It's nice of you to join us, r9dmMT!

Hey Rocket, er, RC (just watched Guardians of the Galaxy .. ).


or... Redbone's Come and Get Your Love

Hey Hey What's the matter with your head hey


And I finally got around to watching GotG!

Rocket Raccoon has some pretty funny lines. ;)

I like the homage to Star Wars' only Han understands what Chewy is saying with Rocket and the tree. I got the Netflix dvd on Christmas eve and have watched it 3 times now. Outstanding soundtrack.

Have you ever seen that (I think PBS) raccoon documentary where this city was wondering why there was a sudden influx of raccoons, until they set up some ir lights and saw them eating the cat food left out a night! I think they also attached some tracking collars and watched them roam about town.


No. But I saw a BBC documentary where they put tracking collars on house cats and followed them around for maybe a month. Some of the cats went into homes that did not belong to them and ate cat food meant for other cats. :O

Found it: Raccoon Nation

