hi do you like 2AA battery light? Jaxman M2 is ready

OK, here are a few quick pictures of the Jaxman M2 I just received a few minutes ago. (The “little critter” looking on in 3 of the pics accompanied my light to me……… :wink: … )

  • Outside Packaging well done

  • Inside packing very well done.

  • First view of M2

  • MCPCB w/ LED … Nicely done with the perfect amount of Thermal Paste
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  • The M2, lanyard, & spare O-rings.

    First impressions are, like every Jaxman light I own; everything looks about as close to perfect as it could be.
  • Fit & finish are exceptional
  • Anodizing is great. This color dark Gray is fantastic!!! :+1:
  • Threads are “square” and very clean & smooth both ends of battery tube.
  • LED perfectly centered by butterfly spacer.
  • Solder joints small & well done
  • Inside of light clean as a whistle
  • Beam is nice and clean

This is a very nicely done AA light. Nicely done in every way as far as I can tell. For anyone who wants a 2 x AA light this is a great one.

Also, modding it; if anyone desires: will be very easy. :wink:

Color of the light itself is a personal preference of course, whether that color be Black or Gray.
As far as I am concerned, for me; the color of this light is fantastic!!!
Personally, I get tired of the same old Black all the time. But hey, like I said… personal preference. :wink:

Jaxman, this light is a winner!!! :+1:

No need to change anything about it in the design department. It is excellent as is. :+1:

Great job…. Great light. :+1: …. :slight_smile:

Out of time and have to go…………… :wink:

But this light is highly recommended………… :+1: