Hi from Australia !

Hi from Australia !

I have an Ultrafire C8 from ebay, pretty wow, but I know there’s better out there.

I’m looking for a light to give to my brother-in-law.
He uses those $10 torches from the large hardware chains and lives semi rural.
So it should be a good thrower, maybe 18650 or 26650 (are these safe for normal people ?)
and around $50 and rugged. I know batteries and a charger may double that.

Any opinions gratefully accepted.


Welcome to BLF Drake.

Welcome to BLF! That $50 will just be the beginning :wink:
The best throwers are 18650 or 26650 lights. These batteries are not recommended for persons who will treat them like alkaline or NiMH.
I just received the Nitecore EA4W from Fasttech, and it’s a decent light, throws pretty good, and uses AA alkaline (in a pinch) or NiMH (recommended). $46.90 with the “PRICECONTROL” coupon.
Edit: forgot links:
EA4 (CW)
Unfortunately sold out right now. they could get stock any time and it will go fast.

Thanks guys.
That EA4 looks like a candidate. Amazing amount of light from AAs !

Mine is measuring out around 715 lm and 17kcd on fresh NiMH, and I’m suspecting that my setup is giving slightly low readings. Very bright indeed!
Edit: I also really like the UI. From off, you have instant access to both turbo and low if you like. Very nice setup!
Edit2: One minor note. The bezel on most of these lights is slightly crooked and has a small space between it and the body. It appears to be aesthetic and the light is still sealed. I took mine off and tried to fix it to no avail. I did manage to tighten it down a bit more but there’s still an uneven gap.

Welcome Drake!

Welcome to the BLF. We're happy you found us!

I would recommend reading up on safe lithium-ion handling procedures, and if your brother-in-law doesn't seem like the type to follow them, then perhaps he should stick to NiMh rechargeables.

Thanks for signing up, Drake!

Welcome to the forum. Why is a male duck called a drake and a dragon called a fire drake? Do you float? Are you made of wood? Are you a duck or a very small rock?

Hi Drake, welcome aboard.

I would concur with not recommending Li-Ions to someone unless you are sure they have the interest to read up on safety precautions. We don't know what your brother is like of course, but it might be best to just get him some eneloops and a decent charger.

+1 on the Nitecore EA4W. I finally got mine from Fasttech yesterday and was very impressed when I tested it out last night. Great output from regular Ni-MH chemistry.

You should also check out lights like the Fenix LD41 and Jetbeam PA40.

If your brother wants something more traditional in shape, I would also highly recommend the Shadow Mini TC-6. You can see it here at Intl-Outdoor though I recently saw it as low as $25 on special. Runs off two AAs and so far seems as rugged as hell.


Happy reading.

Thanks guys.
My head is spinning, so much to learn.
I think I get an EA4 for my brother in law.
I may have to get one for myself too.
Now to learn about eneloops and chargers.

Hi Drake and welcome to BLF ! ! ! :party:

I think the EA4 is perfect for a non-flashaholic (and flashaholics too).

If you only get one for your Brother-in-law, you will be ordering another one later when you test it out :wink:
I like the EA4W. It’s heavy, the only slight negative I can think of for it. The UI has really grown on me.

G’day, Drake. For throwers, you may also want to consider lights with Aspheric lens!