Hi from New Jersey

I recently became reinterested in flashlights when by chance I saw a video of “the worlds brightest flashlight” on YouTube.
So I started reading the forum and realized technology has changed a lot. I am 69 and old school but decided to take the plunge and ordered a Sofirn Q8 (go big or go home )

Of course after ordering I came to realize I would have to deal with recharging batteries . I had no idea how may different 18650 battery combinations exist .

Thanks for signing up, Bwana!

I’m only in my late 50s, but my motto is “It’s never too late to have a happy childhood!”

50 is the new 30…… apparently :wink: welcome!

Welcome aboard! You've taken your first step into an addictive... oops... larger world!

Where in Jersey? Born and raised in Boonton. (Morris County)

Hey, welcome. Jersey here too!

Welcome to BLF Bwana! You should be very happy with the Q8. :+1:

I currently reside in Oakland NJ , a nice but boring town in Bergen county.

I haven’t had time to enjoy my Q8 I have a bad cold that doesn’t want to go away .