Hey everyone, great forum by far here. I’m Joseph, a 38 year old Cincinnati transplant here in Cartersville GA for the past 6 years. About 10 years ago I was diagnosed with a milder type of muscular dystrophy that continues to affect my walking. I still walk alright but Im prone to tripping if the grounds unfamilar or too unlevel. Thats initially what got me interested in flashlights because I have to be able to see the ground beneath me or it could mean imminent Injury. After being unsatisfied with most retail store solutions I began looking for things more dependable to keep the accidents minimized. Thusfar I’ve bought 3 general reccomended lights being a Silver C8, H03 and a Silver L6 to tinker around with. Its also handy when you want to cut grass around 9 pm when that humid summer heats a bit much. I just made the username Mr_ ducttape because my wife tells me Duct Tape is my answer for everything to which I respond “not everything, but alot of things”, lol
Welcome to the forum Mr DuctTape I have two of the three flashlights you listed and am very happy with them.
Do you like ‘imitation crab’ meat, or fruit plates?
Welcome to BLF!
I’m more into the budget lights nowadays, than the bigger brands and enjoy my six Convoy lights and my Emisar D4!
Thanks for joining the party, Mr_DuctTape!
Thanks much folks :sunglasses:
Welcome Mr_DuctTape!
It sounds like you need an Emisar D4 with 5000K 90 CRI Nichia’s.
Don’t forget a BLF A6 for EDC and a Nitecore TIP or TINI for the keyring.
The Skilhunt SH03 is the answer to tripping though, nothing beats having both hands free to avoid injury walking around in the dark, and a strong lightweight neutral floody headlight at a budget price is first prize.
LOL, with all those flashlights he may trip over anyway
blf a6 or astrolux s1, same thing, great light, dirt cheap