Hi i am Mrthor3232 aka aaron

I just wanted to introduce my self and say hi I started a YouTube channel reviewing the lights that I bought I have never been apart of theses forums I have found a place to get my flashlight nerd on lol

Welcome Mrthor,

Join in on the fun, share a youtube link or two.

G’day mate :slight_smile:

The you tube link is YouTube.com/ Mrthor3232

Welcome to the BLF Aaron.

Hiya Aaron! Welcome to BuyLikeFoy!

^^ Good one!

Welcome Home !!! Thor … :beer:

It's nice to meet you, mrthor3232!

Welcome to the forum. Nerd or not, you are what you post.

Oh no! That can’t be good for me.

Welcome to BLF, MrThor. We are glad to have you.

I just got the Fenix Tk35 U2 i think i may get the first version from first impressions i love the thing. I can not wait to road test it at work.

Welcome to the family, Aaron! Home of the true flashlight nerds. :wink:

Welcome Aaron….we are not nerds, flashlights are cool and usefull!!!I look forward to your you-tube reviews. I am not nearly brave enough.I respect anyone who will put themselves out there like that!Oh ya, just buy what Foy says! You’ll be happier!-Rick

What dose foy stand for I am new so bare with me

Foy is a member here who likes to talk in the 3rd person.

Welcome …

Nice place BLF, even Tacticool!

It’s the tacticoolest! 8)