I can’t beleeve how SOOOO many of the posts have problems with the flashlights bought from e bay.
I’ve been buying and selling on ebay - my home business with the kids, you know - and us small, domestic/US sellers are really getting screwed by the big sellers on the site.
I’ve read a bunch of messages where the buyer has to as my husband would say play around with the flashlight to get it to work. I sell old jeans from goodwill - just to make a little extra - and I keep getting dinged on my feedback because the jeans don’t fit EVEN THOUGH I SUPPLIED the size.
I’ve looked at some of these cheap sellers (usually from China) for these flashlights and as soon as someone gets it in the mail they leave pos fb like “great seller item as described”. But what if it brakes in the next day??
Why don’t they wait to see if it works (there is 60 days for fb)?
I see the men here saying that they look for 99% fb before they buy, but I can see that the fb is usually when they received and there is never followup and what if it brakes two days later??
Why don’t fleebay members wait ???
Imagine the reviews if when got your new car your immediately left feedback for Toyota and said “great car, I put gas in and I drove to Krogers… HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!”
Anyway, just wondering?
s. my husband is a cool guy and I think the family here is cool tooooo.
regards, light_women (NOT light_guy he signed me up )
You make a good point. I think its best answered on a case by case bases to really understand. That being said no doubt there a few bad sellers selling junk. I think we have a slight advantage here because of a close knit forum, and a bad seller will get called out. We also have some excellent vendors here and as good as the are they dont make the lights them selves. Most folks here more or less know the ups/down side of paying an extra few bucks for a item and post purchase service or buying the same light at cut throat prices from an unknown seller. This isn't rule of thumb , and its pretty common here to dissemble some times break a new light functioning without flaw for a greater purpose. Its a bit more convoluted than selling jeans and its not only about flashlights. I think you'll get a better perspective the longer your here. Just my 2cc's.
Firstly I think we need your husband’s user details as I do think he has broken some kind of rule by letting you see our forum. I can but only hope that he has not shown you the secret hand shake, as if this is the case a home visit to him is not out of the question….
But seriously you make a fantastic point. Many of us get the light, boot em up and if it works drop in the feedback. The learning here for all of us is to take your suggestion and wait a while to ensure all is still well before providing the feedback. I know I’m guilty of this and will now wait a few weeks before going there.
I hope you also took away from reading the forum that your husband, who dutifully researches and studies to make very reasonable and intelligent decisions re purchases of much needed flashlights, has an obvious and near serious need for several more??
Welcome to BLF, light_guy lady! You have a very good point. I just left neutral/somewhat negative feedback for a flashlight seller after communicating for several weeks back and forth. Sometimes it is better to wait.
I hope you enjoy your time here and realize your husband isn’t doing anything wrong. BLF is good clean fun, it’s a great group of flashlight geeks from all over the world coexisting in peace and harmony with no porn we promise.
Welcome to BLF. Its great to see a real woman join BLF. Sometimes we have people pretending to be women who are really men. (eg Chloe = unforgiven). Ebay is strange. I was bidding on a watch which I found out was fake. I contacted the buyer and told him it was fake and worth $5 NOT the $85 he paid for it. He said he realised it was fake but left positive feedback anyway
After hearing there are many men posing as women on the internet (not asking how they know), a married lady with a guy username doesn’t seem like a big deal to me.
If you want to change it, I suggest you start the new ID you want. IMO, it makes it a lot easier to follow thread you are interested in even if you don’t post much.
I only ever leave negative feedback on EBay. If I am happy with something, I gots mine so I don’t have to do anything. If I am not happy, I scream my head off and cry about it. Most of the time I will throw it on the ground in mindless rage.
I’m more realistic, if I’ve paid about $10 for a light, I’m convinced its going to need to have some attention to get it to work.
I’m currently holding off on some feedback to resolve an issue, just the balls in my court and with my two year olds birthday, my 11 year olds birthday treat hopefully coming off this weekend and a busy week at work, I’m not finding the time to take the necessary pictures/short video (they want to see a tail cap reading, I figure a video of it going through the modes on the meter will prevent any your doing it wrong issues).
Anyway, welcome. I hope you don’t find the readers wives thread……
eBay feedback is really for seller performance not how well you liked the item. I always leave feedback to let the seller know how well they did. The few problems I have had were resolved via email.