
Hi, everyone! ^ー^ I’m Chloe, from the UK!

My current in-use torches are:
* Sipik SK-68 clone (mine is branded UltraOK ZS-2)
* Modified Ring Micro Cyba-Lite with 20,000mcd white LED from a DX fauxton.

I’m waiting for a Tank007 TK-703 to be delivered as the SK-68 is rather heavy and bulky, not so attractive, and already showing signs of intermittent failure. Not a bad light at all for £4, especially considering it was my first Cree!!

I’m considering a Solarforce X2 mainly for its gorgeous looks, but I prefer clicky switch to twist UI. Aurora SH-036 is high on the list to try, depending on how I feel about AAA. It’s been a loooong time since I used a Maglite Solitaire as my keyring torch.

Also, I’m looking for something stronger than the Sipik SK-68 for outside use, particularly in the rain. I gather I’ll need something in the range of 800 lumens? I have been considering the new Nitecore EA4 but the UI and small button puts me off, since I’ll be wearing gloves.

Anyway, if you’ve got this far you probably deserve a medal. ><

As a relative newcomer here myself, let me welcome you to a great bunch of folks. There’s quite a few here that are in the know and will gladly help you with most anything you need. I’ve been learning in leaps and bounds! Be prepared to spend some money! lol

Bienvenido a BLF!

Do I get a medal? :D

Have you considered a P60 host? Solarforce has a few nice ones (by a few I mean one with a lot of variations) which you can get legit from here.

I see you like your nice sleek compact EDCs. Complete opposite to me as I can't stand anything with less than a good 90 minutes full-burn time.

Anyway, good to see more female members joining! If you see a rude/brash post by me, it's probably my boyfriend. He's gotten me interested and now he has to buy two of everything. [insert crazy laugh here] :love:

May your wallet be vigilant and your self-discipline stay strong.

Welcome one, welcome all. I hope you love monkeys as this place is full off them.

Is brilliant with a lathe!! Get him to make you something from scratch to fit what you want, he can do it!

Dale - Yes, I’ve already spent a bit already in experimenting!

Ramblings - you may! Or will a cookie suffice?? :smiley:

I’ve seen “P60 host” mentioned a lot here but to be honest I haven’t even begun looking. I really don’t know much about the more powerful outdoorsy torches, but they all seem rather big and ugly. I suppose I just want something bright enough to feel safe walking in the dark especially when it’s raining because my Sipik isn’t cutting it, but not so big it won’t fit in my bag, and easy to use. ^ー^

Thank you for the warm welcome!!

An easy and quick, relatively painless answer to that power question is a Solarforce L2P or one of the L2 variants. Easy to get a drop-in in the 700-1000 lumen range for cheap monies. You can order the light direct from Solarforce.hk on the cheap (like $13) or with a drop-in and ready to put a battery in it for little more. They have cheap shipping as well and it comes fairly fast. You can step it up a bit with their M3 head, a larger head with better reflector that really throws, it’s pretty impressive and has the XM-L U2 already in it. The light is mil-spec hard anodized type III which is the hardest anodized coating available so it should last very well.

Anyone have suggestions where these can be had in the UK? Or is direct the better way? They’re really pretty cheap direct, with like $3 shipping.

Folks here know of tons of options, be prepared! lol

Welcome 8)

Thanks so much! These look great and not too expensive either. The only thing I’m wondering is will I wish it had lower output modes? It really will only be for outdoor use as I have other torches for around the house.

This shop seems to have lots of combinations:

Welcome to the forum. If you like small, bright, and fairly tough, you might check out the Trustfire Mini 01. Wefans has a thread running on a custom BLF L-M-H model or you can go for the stock version H-L-Strobe. It runs on CR123A cells or 16340 rechargeables. Clickies are nice but the switch is the weakest link.

Welcome…I honestly didn’t know we had any female members. Nice to have your opinions here!

The price looks decent, but those drop-ins look weak. You can get drop-ins with 3 modes and a hi of 800 lumens or so pretty cheap. I’m sure someone here has links to the better ones but Illumination Supply has a lot and there are many others. All those choices and not knowing the quality is why I like the M3 head to go with the light. It’s a little on the weak side which works to keep heat down and keep it more reliable, at around 700 lumens. The modes work well and are set at reasonable spaces.

I got my wife a P1d with a EDC+ Triple XP-G2 at 720 lumens out the front to carry in her purse. It’s very solid and has a great output. But it’s not a cheap light when set up that way. The P60 drop in was like $75 but they had a coupon for $11 off. The light, with an AW 18650 protected 2600mAh cell was about $50 from lighthound.com.

You might want to take a look at the “EDC 18650” or one of it’s half dozen variants from fancyflashlights or intl-outdoor. Cell size compatibility can sometimes be sketchy, but they’re some of the smallest lights that are 18650 compatible.

As for the SolarForce, I purchased one of the new L2M’s with the flat bezel for <$15 off of solarforce sales and I’ve been thoroughly pleased with it. The machine work was top notch (forgive me if you’ve already heard this a few hundred times :p), my only gripe being that the lens was foggy on arrival. Paired with a cheapo XM-L 3A drop-in and you’re easily looking at something around the 800 lumen ballpark.

And be sure to take a look at solarforce-sales.com if you’re looking into purchasing a host; their prices are quite a bit cheaper than most other places, and their shipping was reasonably quick (2 weeks to Illinois US).


Helllo Chloe!!! Welcome :heart_eyes:

If you like the look of the X2/X3, but want something brighter you could always try this:

link - Solarforce L2T Stainless Steel

or something different

link - Solarforce P1d Black

Which, are pretty pricey, I have to admit, but I guess that's the price of fashion.

I carry the L2P as an everyday carry (EDC), though it doesn't exactly fit in my clutch, but I always try to bring a bottle of water wherever I go, so I only use a clutch at dinners or other black tie events.

EDIT: totally forgot! 4sevens have a 'Preon' line which are really slim and compact (think I might get one for my clutch) example link - here.

There are actually thousands of AAA lights which are really cool. I just don't really have a use for them myself.

Wow, creepy much. :P

We all have a bit of creep in us :wink: lol

It's good to have you here, Chloe!

Hi cloe, do you have any Li ion cells at the moment? I ask because to get 800 lumen out of something small, your going to need them, and understand their use and the safety aspects.

Now if your fine with that, there are the p60 options suggested above, personally, I’d never use a p60, I don’t like them, I would be more inclined towards the convoy lights at fasttech, the edc18650 at intloutdoor or the xihzou at Cngq.

If you have no 18650 batteries, your also going to want batteries and a charger.

I’m just looking for some info on lithium safety for you, I’ll be back in a bit, got to go bath my little germ factories….