HID Xenon Flashlight Torch 8500 Lumen on Ebay

Seems a good deal, is it save to buy this ?


It’s a scam.

Ok, so when i order one nothing comes ?

Yes. Or even if something will come - it won’t be your flashlight. Look at the comments, they are all fake, posted 1 day after purchase. Shipping from China takes 2-3 weeks, not 2 days.

Too good to be true.

Scam, check out some eBay HID scams. :slight_smile:

You do get your $$ back via PP though.

Probably a scam. You may get something like this. Ebay will probably protect you, if you want to wait and see. Monitor the vendor. If all his ads disappear, file your claim then even if not at 45 days.

Same seller as here and here.

See Pregulla’s comment #10 on the 2nd link, 100% accurate. Fortunately I received feedback from this community before paying my for auction. Have not heard a peep from the seller for non-payment…