High-CRI 12-LED Flashlight - which LED?

Hello my dazzling comrades.

I have already 2 Kings modded - one with those triple-aluminum boards with High-CRI Nichias from FT, one with triple Noctigons and XP-G2 S2s - both with the different versions of the RMM driver (Aluminum board = 7135 driver, copper = FET)

Now I would love to have a combination - 5000K High CRI.

Since I am a bit out of the subject - is there a LED\* that is perfect for me and available on DTP Copper?

This time I would use my Ultrafire UF-T90 - even though I have two other Kings laying around.

Thank you very much!!

*Is “a LED” correct? “an LED” sounds far more correct to me, but the rules say, that “a LED” is right…

How about the 5700K 92CRI 219B V1, from Kaidomain, they sell it on a triple copper DTP board.

I made a triple with that led and I like it a lot!

I’ll second that. Easily the most beautiful cool white I’ve ever seen.


Those look good - but DTP?
On the photos it seems to be non-DTP?

I’m not sure what you see.
At least the description on Kaidomain says it is DTP, and Kaidomain did start selling a black line of DTP boards recently.

They have become pretty good in leds the last year, with a good collection not seen elsewhere and showing pictures of the packaging too so that you really know well what led it is.

And they are the first to list a XP-L2.

I see these things

And those are just there if the board isn’t DTP?

I do not see why those extensions of the central pad are a warning for DTP or non-DTP, at least the Noctigon has them too:

It’s the paint on them that concerns me - if it would be bare copper - alright, but with paint on them?

+ the description does not say that it’s DTP :question:

The paint is just solder mask, which is a final layer on top of the board to insulate parts where you do not want solder, apparently Kaidomain decided to cover that bit.

the title of the product on the website:

“Triple Nichia CRI92 NVSW219BT-V1 5700K LED Emitter with 20mm x 1mm DTP Copper PCB (Parallel) w/ optics”

btw, the price is unbeatable: $7.87 and even an optic is included! edit: the BLF coupon makes it even $7.48.

whoops :smiley:
OK, I will use them. The price is a joke, that’s correct.

Thanks a lot!

If you pronounce LED as “LED” then “a LED” would be correct.
But we pronounce LED as “el e dee” and because the first syllable starts with a vowel, “an LED” would be correct.
That’s why it sounds better to you. It is correct.
Bravo, if you are German and English is not your first language. You are very good at it!

Looks to be an interesting mod :+1: