high price of a single 18650!

Hi guys, I was choosing an deal for a 18650 on Gearbest, this: INR18650 - 30Q 18650 3.7V 3000mAh it was 4,29$ “Wow, it’s a good price” thinked. So pull the trigger and checkout…it give me 5,35$ for a “Registered Air Mail” (0$ for Unregistered Air Mail) + 1,09$ for Shipping Insurance = 10,73$ for a single 18650 :frowning:

At this time I have deleted the order…
Any suggestions?
Thank you very much.

Since the new li-ion air shipping rules have come in its getting hard to find China sellers who still offer free shipping. BG might be worth trying.

A lot of cost in the shipping relates to any reasonable quantity sent; buying multiple cells might get a more reasonable shipping rate per cell. And don’t forget your local sellers, who might be able to match or better the deal now that Chinese shipping has gotten more expensive for LiIons.

Glad I stocked up when I did- I expected this but not quite this soon!


you can also try local ebay sellers! I got a deal through ebay once and it worked out better than from Asia.

Thank you very much guys, very kindly and useful!
What about this? 13,28$ 2 Samsung battery shipped

Seems to be a reliable seller with a lot of positive feedback…

Ehm…and this? Samsung 18650 5,79 shipped!!!$

Since you live in Europe:

You can’t check “Unregistered Air Mail” at the checkout?
For me in germany, Gearbest has $0 shipping cost after I de-checked the registered mail and insurance

Yes I can do it for sure, but I’ve never buy something from China without tracking… :open_mouth:
Maybe I can try without tracking but with “Shipping Insurance” (1,09:money_mouth_face:

wow nice price! But just for one battery I don’t know if it is so convenient. Maybe for 2/4 battery is ok, and in a week they are at my home.

My very first order of Li on battery was from Nkon, about 4 years ago… :partying_face:
almost 60% of users from CPF Italy buys from him!

I think you need to find a local retailer, thats close enough to you so you can skip past all the federal shipping regulations and all that.

I just bought some purple efest IMR 14500 cells from battery junction and they only charged me $3.50 for ground (slow) shipping.

Similarly I bought some cheapo generic LCR cells form an amazon retailer and S/H was only $3. Both sellers were somewhat close to me.

From the same seller, but this one has a better price. $9.49 for 3pcs. About 2 hours left.
Not sure if this is legit as the description is a bit confusing but the price is interesting.

Just click on free shipping instead of insured and tracked etc …

Thank you very much to all :+1:
Finally I have buy from Gearbest, without tracking (it’s the first time for me without the tracking, crossfinger!) but with option “Shipping Insurance” (1,09:money_mouth_face: checked. Let’s see!

For the vendor on Aliexpress, I’ve write, and he said the Samsung battery 30Q are genuine…

you are right!

If its shipped using NL Post surface mail, you can actually track your package until it arrives at your country. But no more information from here to your door.
You can use this : www.trackitonline.ru
Tracking number usually like this : NLxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thank you so much!
But unfortunately Gearbest sent with: “Shipping method: Belgium Post Unregistered” …
Hope one day it will arrive at my door :smiley:

I wonder if there are any caveats using unregistered shipping…

I usually use unregistered. I think I have only ever lost one package that way, and it wasn’t from gearbest.

Thanks for the reply. Do you know if you can win a Paypal dispute if an order never arrives?

I think it partially depends if Paypal shows that retailer has a history of failed orders or not, but I’d say usually yes

I see… Well, it will be a nice adventure to order something dirt cheap from Gearbest, and to wait for many weeks not having the slightest idea where your package is. Maybe if there is a good deal I will give it a try.