Highest current 1xAA boost driver

Hi all, I’m looking for a boost driver that can provide 1.5-2.0 Amps to an XM-L.

I’m planning to use 1.2V Eneloops in a small EDC light and want to power the emmiter at reasonably high currents.

I’m only planning to use this light 10-20 seconds at a time, so heat won’t me a big issue. Thanks in advance.


Shiningbeam 3 mode boost driver draws over 3.1A from an Eneloop for claimed 900mA output. That’s about as powerful as small boost drivers come I think.

The 3 I tried from Shiningbeam were more like 500ma and they all failed after a few days.

Seriously though, SK68. Very good boost driver, your choice single or 3-mode, around $6-$7 shipped.

You even get these salvaged extras that comes with it:
XR-E emitter Q3-Q5
Aspheric lens
AA host body
Aluminium pill (some not hollow, very good thermal)
Multiple sized O-rings
Rubber boot
Clicky switch
Pocket clip

Crap. Sorry to hear that; I have one hooked up to a Nichia and it seems alright so far. Maybe the driver is not robust enough for drawing 3 amps. I’ll tell ya that I haven’t tested current to the LED, but it’s fairly bright. I think 2xNiMH would be more efficient but I’d be pissed if it fried the thing.

I have a single mode SK68 boost driver and it’s pretty good. I don’t know how good regulation is, but the driver is fairly flexible with different cell setups. Also, I think it has some kind of overheating warning because it blinked every few seconds when I tested it in open air off 1x18650.