
I don't think that's

Also post your Frakenlight!

FrankenLego! 8)

Any predictions on what would happen if these had a battery installed?

I'd say that'd be a pretty accurate prediction ;)

I doubt it
I would guess the lights may illuminate on moonlight because they are splitting 4.2V and the tails would get very hot, drain the battery and make it unsafe to use again

I predict 1.21 jigawatts.

Hah I had the thought to gut the tailcaps to have a "premium" 18650 battery case

Too funny! The BLF Medusa!!! If those were sold new like that, then they could claim twice the China lumens! For example, that one on the far right has to be about 15,756 china lumen!

No fair using shrinkwrap

I want matching threads …

They actually do screw in to each other. Those are old bicycle tubes I wrapped around for some grip to use on some mounts when I use them on my handlebars. I was too lazy to take them off because they're a PITA to put back on.

A pushmepullyou :slight_smile:

i wondered what that black stuff was, what do you use for holding to the handlebars?

Too much frankenstuff tears up the anodized threads needlessly . Don't mix anodized with non unless i think I'm loving it and will use it that way .

I still want a blf light /16340

I'm using this mount from FT. I also use them on the helmet and the tubes significantly increase the grip.

(I don't use a zip tie to mount anymore)