For batteries that are used in series would we be better off using a balancing hobby charger?
If they’re in a pack, yes.
If they are individually placed then it makes no sense to put them in a special holder just to balance.
Balance charging is basically matching the cells to the same voltage, a regular charger does the same job.
Of course.
Thanks Will, that makes sense. Even though the batteries are charged on separate channels, they should all terminate at the same voltage. Whereas a pack will charge as single cell regardless of the individual batteries voltage. Thus the need for balancing taps.
Thanks for helping me think it through.
Well, yes….IF, and only IF it’s a PACK, and there is a balance tap for the pack, assuming the hobby charger has balancing capability.
If there is no balance tap for the pack, then there is no way to actually balance it. The so-called ‘protection circuits’ for the most part, do NOT balance. They merely keep the pack from going over and under a limit. If the individual cells get out of balance the PCB will restrict the full capacity of the pack.
If you are using individual cells in series, and can charge them individually (or in parallel) then you don’t need balancing since it’s not a pack.
That Marty Feldman avatar is the best
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: [to Igor] Now that brain that you gave me. Was it Hans Delbruck’s?
Igor: [pause, then] No.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Ah! Very good. Would you mind telling me whose brain I DID put in?
Igor: Then you won’t be angry?
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: I will NOT be angry.
Igor: Abby someone.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: [pause, then] Abby someone. Abby who?
Igor: Abby… Normal.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: [pause, then] Abby Normal?
Igor: I’m almost sure that was the name.
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: [chuckles, then] Are you saying that I put an abnormal brain into a seven and a half foot long, fifty-four inch wide GORILLA?
[grabs Igor and starts throttling him]
Dr. Frederick Frankenstein: Is that what you’re telling me?
You’re welcome! A couple years ago I built a 4x 18650 balancing holder to use with my iCharger 106B, however then found the regular chargers much more convenient because when the cells were highly unbalanced with difference of 0.5V it would take a much longer charging time and delay all the other cells. now even though I have the skyrc mc3000 I use the Xtar vp2 80% of the time… Convenience is key!
I built this holder to charge oversized 32650’s for D cell Mag Mods.
I ordered a Liitokala lii500 last week. It won’t do the 32650’s but should be fine for everything else I need to charge.