Holster for Zebra SC52


I need a holster for my Zebra SC52.

Any idea? :quest:


I got this one, courtesy of discussion with kreisler:


and it fits my SC52 pretty well and is very well built.


Do you have both the EC1 and the Sunwayman one?

I only have the latter, and wear it on a belt, and it’s not so much the size of the holster vs. the size of the SC52, but it’s more the SC52’s clip, which has to slide/clip over the side of the holster, and causes some resistance getting the SC52 into and out of the holster

Or are you trying to get the SC52 into the Sunwayman holster WITH the clip going inside the holster, rather than the clip sliding over the side piece?

This is a great holster. I use one for my xtar H1 and for my Armytek wizard. Perfect fit. They also have it at fasttech

I didn’t know FT carried them. Is this link the one for that holster?


Please confirm this link?

BTW, for U.S., shipping from the eliteflashlights site was about $2+.

Yes thats the one


I didn’t know FT carried them. Is this link the one for that holster?


Please confirm this link?

BTW, for U.S., shipping from the eliteflashlights site was about $2+.

Ok, thanks. So the one from eliteflashlights is the correct one “Sunwayman Nylon Holster for C10R M11R Flashlight”, right?