Homemade Lightsaber

I started brainwashing my daughter with star wars story books at a young age.
so obviously, i have to make her a lightsaber to play with.

for the tube, i use bubble wand like this that i got from dollar store.

if u simply put a flashlight inside, it doesn’t glow much, so i made a paper tube diffuser using printer paper and put it inside the bubble wand. i cut out a piece of paper and taped it to one end of the paper tube so that it doesn’t get too bright there.

and for the flashlight, i use this one.

it came with a cool white xpe, 5 modes driver, 0.8A on high. together with the paper tube diffuser and bubble wand, it doesn’t get too bright even on high which is perfect for kids. and protected 18650 of course. 3*aaa light is probably safer, but nothing in my collection fits the bubble wand. i duck taped the wand to the flashlight. the duck tape part doesn’t look very good, i will probably dress it up a bit later.

Michio Kaku - Can you build a real Lightsaber ? .

I’ve done this countless times for the kids to play with also. But yours is nicer. I actually don’t even use a bubble tube wand. I simply create my own tube by taping paper over the head of flashlight and then twisting the tip closed. You can create all sorts of colors depending on the paper color.
Green and blue is most popular.
But your daughter might like pink.
What’s crazy is that I have made light sabers with 8000 lumen lights lol

Nothing like brainwashing kids! lol

Great project. Looks good, would double as a nice camping diffuser too.

Yoyr daughter is a lucky girl to have a creative dad like that. I'm not showing mine what you have done.