Hope you all have plenty of layers if you have to go outside. Hope you have heat and that your pipes don’t freeze etc. If you have an A2 light and think it throttles too aggressively just run it outside now;-)
I heard something like this on the news:
Put on your warmest coat, and then put your second warmest coat on over that coat.
Stay safe out there!
The trick is NOT to go out there! Windchill of –35, lowest actual was –15 f here in central MA.
Today is 50 degrees in NY.
–5 F yesterday.
I hope it is warm on Thursday.
Agreed. Unfortunately my Rottweiler does not;-) I have to go out in it. Layers!
I do not however stay out while I am seeing if I can get A2 to throttle my TS21. Leave it stuck to the metal railing on back steps while I am warm and cozy inside;-) When the windchills are that cold thermal regulation won’t kick in. Can drain a 5000 mAh 21700 in less than an hour.
Dipped as low as 5F yesterday (5.1F to be exact), with reeeeeally nasty winds, but today was in the 40s. Went shopping, thinking today be Monday. :person_facepalming:
Desolation, as they only had half the stuff I wanted.
I’m in Arkansas and the ice storm took our power out and they are guessing it’ll be another week before we get it back on.
The kicker is it wasn’t just ice buildup on trees that took out power lines the power poles actually were snapping. We been riding around for the last 3 days with a chainsaw and generator cleaning out roads and helping folks around here to charge up their iceboxes/freezers. Two days ago it was below freezing and today it was sunny with a temp of 62 degrees F when I looked. The fun will really start when they try to start getting the power turned on around me. We always get paged out to brush fires when that happens.
Lived in NJ all of my life, it's those darned temp swings that get ya. You never fully adapt to the cold, which screws everything up.
Feb and March are the winter months nowadays. So, let's see how this shapes up, because every year around this time I start ordering lawn supplies too early, etc., then we get 2ft of snow on March 1st.