How bright is a laser compared to a XM-L?

Ultrafire XM-L P60 drop-in at 3.2 amps and 445nm 1.2w laser pointer.



That's not necessarily fair since we already know a laser is more concentrated. Bounce reading plz. :)

Ala...brudder, I thought that is obvious and that is why i purposesly took out the lens and make it uncollimated.... Sealed If i made it collimated i could not even see the XM-L.

This is with a 1.6 million lux @ 1m light. The 445nm is defocused. I can't really focus it at this short distance because the wall would smoke.


Can you imagine if you get an accidental flash, you are like dumping more light than a XM-L onto your retinas? Scary.

The NOHD for this power and divergence is approx 300m. (the divergence is not very good for a non TEM00 laser btw)

Nice to play with this :

I'm just saying it's hard to judge if the outputs are not in the same pattern. I mean, obviously a laser is going to be brighter if you only project straight ahead with little spill/corona. Still interesting, just doesn't tell the whole story of output. So, bounce? 1.2 vs 10W efficacy?

Well ok...



1.2W is optical power. Lasers quote optical power. LEDs are quoted in lumens and spec as electrical efficiency. Believe LEDs are like 10% efficient optically. But then not really directly comparable, of course. 445nm is pretty insensitive for us, 555nm is the aim.

BTW, in a bayer sensor array there are 2X as many green sites than blue/red sites. Anyway the camera is already tuned to approximate our eyes sensitivity (else photos will look wierd! haha)

Here's a 50-70mW 532nm vs the UF-980L


Blue 445nm can fluroescent a limited number of stuff. But 405nm can flurorescent quite a number of stuff. 5nm less and it'd be ultraviolet. This is 400mW worth of 405nm.


Reflected from a glossy surface (windows in this case). Not talking about a mirror! This is versus my Dereelight DBS aspheric @ well over 60k lux!

Seriously most of the beam is going out of the window from what i see on the visibility of the beam. Obviously lasers are not toys to fool around and safety is of paramount important, use laser safety glasses.


Reflected from the Sharp KC-840E HEPA air cleaner i think.... (I think the very barely visible spot is a U80 or UF-980L, well along that line...)


DBS Dereelight aspheric and reflection from my Mitsubishi refrigerator.


Not mine....but beamshots are always nice! 445nm, 532nm and 405nm. By swimminsurfer256


I think to compare visible output, we have to weigh the vision/luminosity function against the laser output. Or just use the meter. :)

The "efficiency" number is going to be different if you're talking about radiant power/flux rather than the meter luminous number, since purple lazer alone is obviously not very good at matching our eyes. Neither is blue led by itself, but white led's convert that blue to more useful spectrum, so lower radiant, more luminous.

To throw up some number, theoretical max is 683lum/w for mono green source, so cree's are obviously quite good.

Intensity at 9km (pls don't do this btw)

Beamshot videos

What do you do with them, pop balloons of course!

Yeah well, the lux meter registered only 0.2 lux reflected. (DRY would be like 250 lux). A LPM would not register the LEDs well as well. So really 2 different entities.

But it definitely lights up the room way better than a XP-G using ceiling bounce. Smile

A pic of mine-

Knew you'd show up cd520. LOL! I'm looking for a powerful 532nm at a cheap price. The O-like 400mW one at $239 doesn't instil confidence. Lazerer I think still out of stock.

Yeah, that's the number for 100% eff @ 555nm.

BTW, Cree XM-L in our flashlights, do only about 40lm/W OTF for those hot rods (check out the LED calculator spreadsheet). It is only 160lm/W over with the diode junction at 25 deg C and at only 0.7A, probably some dry-ice cooling or something.

Lasers are LPMed out the front, as standard.

I went with Jetlasers PL-C 532nm 250mw. Might first one developed an intermittent problem after a few months and they sent me a replacement that peaks I believe around 400-450mw. They also paid shipping both ways. You cant beat that for service.

Nice colors! What do you guys do with lasers anyway?? Besides getting arrested for pointing them at aircraft...hehe.