Everytime a thread I’m subscribed to gets a post, so does my inbox receive email! I have looked in user setting, thought I turned it off, guess I didn’t.
Just go into settings and turn it off and click save.
When I go to my account I see: View, My Posts, Edit - these are tabs.
When I click them, I see not much about settings. Under Edit, I’ve selected (under private messages) to never receive email. I must be missing something.
On the main BLF page go down and on the left side you will see "My Subscriptions". Click on that then click on "Click to un-subscribe " which is on the right of each thread you are subscribed to. Hope this helps.
Under the Edit tab select the subscriptions tab and under there check the boxes that say "Do NOT send me e-mail notifications for new posts in my subscribed threads" and "Do NOT automatically subscribe me to e-mail notifications for all threads I participate in".
Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner!
Strangely enough, I’ve viited tht page and had somehow not seen those check boxes.