Just wondering what options are out there to remove the small sharp bits at the end of laptop pull cells.
I have heard of side cutters and rotaty tools.
Are there other options or whats the best way so you dont damage the cell.
Also if a rotary tool or dremell is used, which tip is best used for the job?
I just pull off what I can with pliers and grind the rest down with a fine grinding wheel on my cheap Harbor Freight rotary tool. No power to speak of so no chance of overheating or cutting too deep. Just enough to smooth out the burs.
I usually pull as much as I can off with a small pair of pliers and then dremel the ends. Ocassianally I’ll use my set of needle files to touch something up, but thats pretty rare.
I try to get them to break off as close to the battery as possible, for starters. Sometimes I get lucky and that’s all it needs, but when the little fangs stick up, I break off what I can with a wee needle-nose plier which I’ve “adjusted” the jaws for a precise touch at the exact tip. (Beat it and grind it until the ends fit together)
What the pliers miss, please don’t tell SWMBO… I use her metal fingernail files. These work extremely well for cleaning spark plugs and ignition points too! (Yes, I replace what I steal!!) Better than “Emory boards” because they don’t ablate dirt all over everything, plus they can be cleaned to good effect…
This is convenient, but “+1” for the Dremel sanding drum or hard stone ball.
Mostly, I’m getting pretty good at popping the welds so they don’t leave much on the battery.
Thanks for all the great idea’s, I suppose I will have to get a dremel now. I have managed to get most off the cells I have but i’m not game enough to put any in my lights until I completely get off the remaining sharp pieces.
I have heard that others have put solder on the ends. Wouldnt the heat melt it?
Never heard of it happening and I have used a few myself that where soldered by me. I would think, if it gets hot enough to melt the solder the battery has already vented with flames.
If you have a spring on the ’ + ’ pad of your driver, it really doesn’t seem to hurt to leave little prickers if you must. The springs on mine (both ends) seem to find a way to wiggle around them — but that’s only after I’ve picked off as much as I can with a needle-nose. All my 18650 lights have ’ + ’ springs…
If you put on a solder blob (a Good Idea if you can solder fast, for both compatibility and conductivity), you should only do it on the ‘+’ end…
If you’re really careful, you can sometimes get the ‘-’ end cleared with a really sturdy pocket knife…
Thanks, I didnt realise some of that, obviously shows my lack of electronics but I do have lights like SRK and similar where the battery screws to the board in the head and I dont want to damage that especially on the SRK as it’s thin enough without extra scraping.
I use a $.50 6 inch mill file. Lay it on a table and pull the cell gently across it. If you don't press hard, it doesn't shred the wrapper. You don't have to remove every last visible trace, just until it feels nice and smooth.