How long can like TM16, TK75 and K60 operate on 'high' before temps get too high?

So I’m looking for a new light to use for hiking and trail-walking at night. I don’t often get caught out after dusk but it happens from time to time. Presently, I pack a Fenix headlamp, a TK45 (760lm on high) and a cheap Keygos 26650 XML as a backup light. I’m looking to upgrade the TK45. Throw is nice but spill probably takes priority here since I’d like to avoid any animal encounters (there are some black bears in the area).

Since I bought the TK45 some years ago, lights have obviously become much brighter. The K60, TM16, TN35 and TK75 are on my list of potential replacements. Even though the specs for all but the TN35 seem to emphasize throw, beamshots appear to show a good amount of flood out to 100m or so. This brings me to a question that a lot of beamshot reviews don’t spend much time on:

How long can these lights output, say, 2000+ lm before the they get too hot to hold or thermal throttling kicks in?

with the xhp 70 runs turbo @ 5000 lumens for only a out 2 minutes steps down to high at 3000 lumens for ,geez i don’t know that is a good question I’ve pushed it for only 20 minutes but it has a ton of flood and throw then also there is the meteor which has both as well depending on what emitters and tirs you pick as well.