I will be going through some KeepPower 26650 5500mAH and Vapcell 26650 6200mAH batteries.
When I buy new batteries, specifically 26650, I will be testing them for capacity with a couple of Opus BT-C3100 R2.2 chargers. Once this test is over, I will check the voltage and then let the batteries sit for a little while to see how much voltage they will discharge on their own.
My question is:
Should I let the batteries sit at full charging voltage, or should I run them down to 3.7V before letting them sit and measuring daily voltage?
I like to let them set at full charge and see how they act after time passes.
That way I know what to expect when using them. Particularly if I need a matched pair for some application.
I figure that the number of charge cycles is not going to be significantly reduced by doing that once in a while.
At 3.7, they could sit there for months before showing much discharge.
If I’m going to store them, I’ll drop them down to 3.6 or so.
All the Best,
You have higher self discharge at higher voltage so if you wanted to see results faster use a higher voltage. But either way.
Btw, its normal for the voltage to drop for a few hours after you take them off the charger. Up to like 24-48 hours even. Thats not self discharge. Just thought id mention that. If you wanted to measure self discharge start the test when theyve been off the charger for a day or w/e and theyve settled.
You can keep testing voltage for as long as you want. Depends why youre testing them in the first place. Idk what your goals are.