Flashlights, batteries, chargers. I dunno. Probably under $1000?
Laptop and Desktop, I think those were around $3000 - $4000 total, but I hadn’t bought new ones in about 3 years. Plus lots of other computer gadgets. Basically, flashlights are a relatively minor “toy” expense.
And if you consider automobiles a toy, then that expense dwarfs pretty much everything else, even if you amortize the cost. Though, I don’t really consider autos a toy where I live, since we have no public transit.
What about vacations? Are those “toys”? I guess not, since you have nothing to show for it after it’s done.
What about owning a house, if it’s bigger than you actually need. Most people probably own more house than they really need, and the extra expense (including crap to fill up the extra space) can be more than even autos.
Anyway, my point is that to non-flashaholics, this hobby might seem pricey. But in perspective, it’s really not.
I got a late start in 2019. I waited until July to get the Imalent R90TS, then September Acebeam K 75, and then October Imalent MS 18, and then December 47s MMU-X3 modified with 3 x XHP 50.2, and three days before 2019 ended, I sprang for Nitecore TM9K which will ship in twelve hours. My first light for January 2020 will be Nightwatch 3 x XHP 50.2 single 21700 for 9900 lumens.
I spent years of my life working massive overtime and saving for someday, not spending any money on optional things, now that I’ve retired, and someday has arrived, I have reversed that process. Flashlights bring me more happiness than any other material things, so that’s what I am collecting.
I am restoring a 1956 Sears aluminum rowboat . At some point the transom cracked so I’m building up the transom and raising it two inches to take a long shaft 2019 Mercury 9.9 four stroke outboard .
I don’t consider my boat as a toy because I use it to procure food .