I have a t20 that i have been modding i currently have a cree xre Q5 in it, thermal pasted to a brass pill with an amc7135 1400mA driver can i push it anymore? i have a 2100mA here to try but dont want to reck it and wait 3 weeks for replacement!
out of the few leds that i have tried for tightness and throw of beam this q5 seems to be the best? can anybody suggest a better one? i have tried an XP G2 but find the beam spreads too much i want as much throw as possible, any suggestiones welcomed i only have basic knowledge and skills for all this and spelling lol
XPE2 has a higher surface brightness per square mm (better throw, higher beam intensity), you can also take the dome of which will add to throw even more
XPE2 can take 3 amps if mounted on a copper sink pad - i was running an xpe2 de-domed in my dereelight x searcher aspherical at 3 amps for around 300-350 kcd
cheers, do you know were i can get the xpe2? my skills havent stretched to mounting the leds on the stars yet i need them ready mounted i have found the xre2? on fasttech
The xpe2 on copper (noctigon, sinkpad etc.) has its maximum output at 2500 mA, at 3A the output is already less. I would run it at 2100mA (6x7135) and have 90% of maximum output.
The xre on copper (MT-noctigon) does not perform much better than on a traditional aluminium board, maximum output is at about 2A.