And do you think you will keep to that projection?
Probably too much.
I have a bad feeling I will be right about it.. :D
I have found that Flashlight-a-la-king is not very tasty, or nutritious.
Probably about a thousand dollars. There are a few expensive lights I'm going to buy, and a few budget lights. I'm getting close to having exactly what I want and need, so purchases should taper off soon unless a new amazing emitter or driver is released, and even then I may just mod my lights instead of buying new lights. What would get me to buy is if there was something like an extremely big head triple MT-G2 with each emitter driven at 7+ amps, good heat sinking, infinitely variable output via magnetic control ring, and a battery tube big enough to allow for decent battery life.
for flashlights and 150 for parts
Well, after going through every dollar spent in 2013, (after the last thread about how much we spent in 2013), I realized that if I add in all the cost of all the supplies and lights and components......., I spent $8 5,000 last year........ and after selling them, the loss was still over $2,000, well, ok, $2,700.
So this year I'm hiring a Salesman.
Actually, I project that from now on, my wife, (who lives in reality) and I will discuss each light before I buy it and how much it will sell for, versus a cost of what I want to do to mod it. Hopefully, that will kill most of the mods right off the top, so I won't loose any money this year. Most of the problems boil down to the giveaways and to not thinking about all the supplies I bought that are not purchased for one light, but spaced out, like Greased Lightning, Files, Sandpaper, Dremel tools, adhesives, etc, etc, etc... I tend to never figure all that into a price.
I'm leaning more toward just doing giveaways and working on things like the 2nd. annual contest and such. I think I get a bigger kick out of them, than I do the mods any more.
I will spend more than l can afford but this will cost me less if i did not spend any.
im guessing i will spend around 2000-2500
2013 -> 14.99$ (solarforce L2N early december)
2014 -> 41€ (triple 219 sportac will be the only buy in the whole year unless there is an unexpected, massive, LED technology breakthrough)
True story.
I have been slowing down with my purchases lately. I seem to have all my bases covered in terms of “types” - edc, small medium large super, and really only have been buying lights that seem different or allow fun modding possibilities.
Also, my shelf is full.
So im going to project under $1000 - we will see what happens.
I might go through another round of sales first. I’m starting off my new year in the green with sale of my FF4.
Already 90$ in the hole
I'm also now $90 in the hole, and have an arrangement for the next light in the next week or two. That will be two of the 3 or 4 major light purchases for the year.
Plans for this year are:
BTU Shocker (bought)
Trustfire TR-S700
oLight X60vn
Thrunite TN-32 (maybe, but there may be no point with the other monster throwers)
I just built my first MT-G2 light, renders everything else null and void. I may have to start over…
I will spend enough, too much, and not as much as some.
I won`t spend much..... I hope