How to measure duty cycle with DMM?


so I just got my UT61E dmm yesterday and wanted to try the duty cycle feature on one of my PWM lights. But neither duty cycle or frequency is showing up on the dmm. What’s the correct way to measure this?

Regards Tobias

I hope it helps , on Fluke it works !...

How to measure duty cycle with a digital multimeter

One way I have been doing it is with the AC Hz setting on my Fluke179

>Plug the BLK probe to COM
>Plug the RED probe to 10A
>Turn knob to AMPS AC, and cycle the yellow button to the AC Hz setting.
>Remove flashlight tailcap.
>Touch BLK probe to -B, touch RED probe to the body tube.
>Meter will read the pulsing DC like an AC square wave and display its frequency in Hz.

This seems to work better with tailcap clicky lights though, where you cycle through the modes by touching -B.

The voltage swing may not be compatible with UT61E, try adding a capacitor in series with the multimeter.