I got this Thrunite flashlight yesterday and I want to take it apart. How do you remove the tailcap of the TN31 ? I tried it with bare hand because i don’t want to nick it or damage the coating but I doesn’t move at all.
Unless it's glued, you should just be able to twist it CCW and it'll come right off:
Perhaps if the o-ring wasn't greased, it may require a bit more force so if you had one of those rubber jar top openers, that might help?
Good luck,
Weird, I’m having trouble taking mine off too, which I got from Thrunite’s latest promotion. Not saying that there’s a correlation…
I’ve also tried heating up the tail-end of the body with a propane torch, but the tailcap is still not coming off.
Thanks turboBB for the picture. I can see it clear now how it was constructed.
It is especially strange that the tailcap don’t come off. Why would Thrunite included an extra silicon switch cap if it isn’t user replaceable.
My 7G9 was the same… I had used leather to protect from scratches and placed the body in a stationary vice and used leather once more on the tailcap with a hand held vice and slowly twisted it off. Not a single scratch or anything visible. I noticed after removal a reddish substance which I assumed to be a glue of some sort which I thoroughly cleaned and lubed afterwards.
yeah I can’t hand remove my tn30 either…I don’t need to remove it though so whatever lol…if I did I would use those leather pipe strap wrenches
I need to remove mine. The flashlight is always in the stand-by mode whether the click is on or off. I have mailed the ThruNite and I am still waiting for a reply.