
Howdy, new to the forums. Not a huge flashaholic but I do like gadgets and stuff. Lots of good info on this site.

Now a pic of my EDC (seeing if I can post a pic on the first try) :bigsmile:

Beretta Nano w spare mag
Kydex IWB holster from PJ Holsters
LG Optimus
SRM 763
Fenix LD10

Howdy Nemesis

This place it addicting! Hope you enjoy!

Also another Texan is in the house! Theres been quite a few joining from Texas lately!

Great to meet a fellow Texan. We love our football and guns (and flashlights too).

As long as you’re not a Cowboy fan we can get along. J/K :wink:

Welcome to BLF.

I am still clinging on to the Cowboys but its getting really hard to be a fan for many years now, they need change! Those Texans may have what it takes this year, if they can keep healthy!

edit -
“It’s faster horses

Younger women

Older whiskey

More money”

Welcome to the BLF.

I'm a Saints fan first, an Oilers fan next. Must be a dome thing.

Luv Ya Blue was probably the second song we were taught, right after the National Anthem.

Welcome to the forum. Going to be an interesting season. Go Niners

Welcome Nemesis! Glad to have you here! (Why do I feel like the Texans are overtaking BLF?)


we take over everything and just a little more when needed

edit - also if we ever have a BLF meeting then we can also control the vote on where maybe…… lol :bigsmile:

Welcome to the family, Nemesis!

Thanks for the welcome everyone.

Luv Ya Blue brings back memories. Earl Campbell was a BEAST!!

Gonna be a great football season. Already alot of shockers. Who would have thought that Saints are winless and Cards have no losses. :open_mouth:

I’m a long way from any part of Texas!

About 4,000 miles.

But welcome to BLF!

Have fun here! I have for the last 3-4 years…

welcome nemesis.i like your edc.
Little tough in Cali to conceal carry.

Thanks. Yeah, too bad Cali has some pretty strict gun laws. I usually carry the Nano but during winters I sometimes carry my Glock 19. It’s not possible for me to carry the Glock during warm weather months without it printing.

Hello Nemisis,
Welcome from another Texan. You’ll enjoy this place!!! :stuck_out_tongue:


Welcome to the forum, Nemesis!

Welcome to BLF! You'll love being here! :)

G’day mate.