For the past year I have been working on building some custom lights for my motorcycle. The lights use LEDs and a large aspheric lens. At this point I would like to make a few prototypes that I can show to people and use them to start a crowdfunding campaign. I know some people on this website make their own brand flashlights so I am reaching out to ask for advice on how to build a small batch of good quality prototypes. I’d greatly appreciate any advice.
I’m currently working on some lights for my bike. I’d be interested in what you come up with.
Don’t forget to check the relevant DOT regulations regarding vehicle lighting……
I have been checking, anything that is auxiliary depends on state authority. I’ve checked with law enforcement in FL, TX and it complies with light equipment regulations. I am currently checking with CA and it seems it complies there too. So now I need to figure out a way to make it.
Using a flashlight manufacturer might be a good alternative since they are usually made on a lathe. Does anyone have experience with ones in China?